Looking for a trusted partner for your nopCommerce project?

The team at Action Micro has years of experience developing e-commerce applications for companies both large and small. We know the right questions to ask to make your next project successful.

We offer nopCommerce services from start to finish, including:

  • Font-end Design
  • ERP Integration
  • Custom Plugin Development
  • Deployment and Hosting
  • US-based Consulting and Support

Fill out the form to receive a FREE introductory consultation for your project. No pushy sales people. No strings attached.

Why nopCommerce?

nopCommerce is far more powerful than most other e-commerce platforms. The level of flexibility and customization available rivals any other system.

Robust Feature Set

Out of the box, nopCommerce provides a secure, enterprise-tested platform to build your application. It includes features and capabilities such as:

  • Multi-store support
  • Multi-vendor support
  • Inventory and stock management
  • Advanced discounts and product rules
  • SEO and microdata
  • Advanced marketing tools
  • Robust tax configurations
  • Facebook and Twitter authentication
  • GDPR support
  • PCI DSS compliance requirements


Your business is unique and so are your project requirements. If the standard capabilities don't exactly fit your style, we can tailor the application to fit your exact needs. The possibilities are endless!

Ready to take action?

Get your free, no-risk nopCommerce consultation today.

Ready to take action?

Get your free, no-risk nopCommerce consultation today.